Monday, December 8, 2008

All Boxed Up & Ready To Ship For Xmas

Following Kim's example of her Sunday posting
Here's Morris in his favorite sleeping spot. He stole it from poor old Grace. Since the boys have invaded the house, she was looking for a place to hide and climbed into this closed box we brought out with Xmas decorations in it. After discovering her, Wifey decided to make it more comfortable for her and added a kitty blanket to the box. It didn't take Morris long to discover it too, and as soon as Grace exited the box, he claimed it. Now Grace won't go near it.

So if you are in need of a cat for that special someone on your gift giving list, just email me your address and we will close up the box and ship it.

Oh, and since Morris doesn't go anywhere without his brother Fraidy Freddy, he'll have to come too.

Well Heck, you might as well take the other brother Merlin, too!
I know it would make Grace very happy, and Abbey too!!!!


Country Girl said...

GW, too cool! The b&w came out great. It is neat how that minor alteration really changes the picture altogether. Why don't you play along with the photo challenge?

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

lol! Those photos are cute. I enjoy seeing photos of kitties sleeping without a care in the world.

But, thnks for your generous offer of a kitty package.
I already recieved a kitty from Gail from "At the Farm". She had countless grey tabby striped cats and decided it would be fun to hold a "Pay it Forward-Adoption clinic" on her blog.

Thankfully when the package arrived it was just a cute bony shelf-sitter cat and doesn't require food or a litter box. hehe

It sure made me smile, though. You can see it in my "M~is for Muck Boots and Meme" post.

New Mexico